Preventative Dentistry

Decay happens when bacteria in the mouth breakdown the sugars from your food and produce acid. This acid is what causes tooth decay, or a ‘hole’ in the tooth.

It is also a transmissible disease meaning one person can pass the ‘bad’ bacteria onto another.


How often should I come to the dentist?

It is important you visit the dentist regularly. At Wingewarra Dental we recommend yearly visits for a check-up and clean. We can put you on our recall system where we send you a reminder when you are due for your next check-up.

The dentist will look at the health of your gums, assess the condition of any fillings you have, look for decay, assess your bite and examine the soft tissues in your mouth looking for any changes or growths, particularly if you are a smoker.

Your dentist may recommend a different recall protocol depending on your dental needs, e.g. if you have a high decay rate or gum disease.


What is gum disease?

Bleeding gums are not ok. It is an indication that the gums are inflamed. Healthy gums should not bleed.

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a condition where there is permanent damage to the supporting tissues of the teeth. It is caused by bacteria which sit on the plaque that forms on your teeth. Some people are more at risk of developing gum disease. 

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors. Other contributing factors including diabetes and pregnancy. Gum disease should be differentiated from gingivitis, which is a reversible condition.

If left untreated it can lead to loose teeth, abscesses and eventual tooth loss. In most cases the progression of gum disease can be controlled.

Treatment involves professional cleaning of the teeth, achieving excellent home oral care and an ongoing regular review process to manage the condition.

If you have bleeding gums, loose teeth or receding gums, visit one of our dentists who can asses the health of your gums. The sooner periodontal disease is diagnosed and treated the better.


How can I keep my teeth and gums in good condition?

Following a good oral hygiene routine will ensure your teeth are free of decay and gums are healthy. Brushing twice a day with a soft toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste along with daily flossing will help prevent dental problems.

If you have gum disease or are at higher risk of getting decay you may need to take extra steps to return your mouth to a healthy state.

Feel free to ask our dentists what they recommend for you to keep your mouth healthy and disease free!

Emergency Dental Care

We have emergency appointments available every day. So if you are experiencing a dental emergency or require urgent dental care please call us on (02) 6884 9555.

Book an Appointment

Our experienced team provides gentle dental care in a relaxed environment. Our dentists are trained and qualified in Australia and are all members of the Australian Dental Association.