Dental Implants

A single missing tooth can be replaced with a dental implant, which acts as a natural tooth root. The implant is placed in the bone and after an appropriate healing period (usually 3 to 6 months) a crown is screwed into the implant. The procedure is minimally invasive, the adjacent teeth are untouched and, unlike conventional bridges, there is no need to “grind down” the teeth next to the space.

Where there are several teeth missing, implants can provide the support for a fixed bridge with natural looking teeth securely positioned on the implants.

Full dentures can present stability and comfort issues for the wearer. Implants can be placed in the jaw to stabilise the dentures in a variety of ways from removable dentures with retention assisted by implants, to a fixed implant-supported full bridge. These solutions stimulate bone maintenance, restore chewing function and provide an unparalleled level of comfort.

Dental implants have been successfully used by the dental profession for over 40 years.

As Dubbo and the region’s most experienced implant practitioner, Dr Bruce Gray has been placing and restoring implants for over 16 years using Nobel Biocare Implants. Further information on implants may be viewed at

If you think dental implants may provide a solution for you, let’s make an appointment with Dr Gray for you.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner
— an Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency advice

Emergency Dental Care

We have emergency appointments available every day. So if you are experiencing a dental emergency or require urgent dental care please call us on (02) 6884 9555.

Book an Appointment

Our experienced team provides gentle dental care in a relaxed environment. Our dentists are trained and qualified in Australia and are all members of the Australian Dental Association.